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Version 2.0
Use Lyle's code below. My solution was just in response to a challenge.
SelectAlpha.zip is a database
containing a function demonstrating how to use a label control filled with the
Letters of the alphabet to implement a single character filter for your Form.
This code is based on a post by Lyle Fairfield. His logic was based on a
proportional font and amazingly only requires basically 2 lines of code.
Someone, yes a fellow Canadian, joked that's great but I want to use a non
proportional font.
"Lyle Fairfield" <lylefair@yahoo.com>
wrote in message
> The font of the label is fixed with.
> The caption of the label is:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W
> (all in one line)
> The label is "Sized to Fit"
> and the mousedown event is:
> Private Sub lblAlpha_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As
Single, Y As Single)
> Me.Filter = "fldLastName LIKE " &
Chr(34) & Chr(64 - Int(-X /
Me.lblAlpha.Width *
> 26)) & "*" & Chr(34)
> Me.FilterOn = True
> End Sub
> --
> Lyle
> http://www.cyriv.com/
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May 23, 2004
Product Update
Rich Text ActiveX control.
Version 1.8
Mar 15, 2005 Product Update
MouseHook Replaces
the MouseWheel DLL subclassing solution. Turns On/Off the MouseWheel with
one line of code. No DLL registration required. Now supports Logitech mice!
Here! |