| | Version 4.0 updated April
15, 2003
is a database containing Functions to produce fully justified text within
standard TextBox controls on your Reports.
Allows a standard Access TextBox, bound to a Memo field to not only produce
fully justified text, but use the CanGrow/CanShrink properties as well.
Version History
Version 4
Allows you to use any section that has CanGrow/CanShrink props.
Version 3 JustiDirect is now implemented as a
Class to allow for multiple justified controls on a report.
You can also have a single Control that spans more
than 22 inches. Finally there are several fixes for formatting bugs.
Fixes two bugs. You now are not required to have the KeepTogether property set
to YES. Further the functions now recognize the blank area that can develop
between the last row of the Detail section and the top of the Page Footer.
The CanGrow property is now handled correctly when the data carries over to the
next page. You can have a Memo field that spans more than 1 page.
Written completely in VBA. No DLL's or runtime files required. Full source is
included. Updated Version 2.0
| |
May 23, 2004
Product Update
Rich Text ActiveX control.
Version 1.8
Mar 15, 2005 Product Update
MouseHook Replaces
the MouseWheel DLL subclassing solution. Turns On/Off the MouseWheel with
one line of code. No DLL registration required. Now supports Logitech mice!
Here! |